Quantum Love – Paget Kagy

Group 83

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">A new 14-Module Love Frequency Clearing Series from Paget Kagy, Frequency Healer

Release The Energy That Blocks You From Receiving the Love You Deserve and Desire

For people who want to magnetise their soulmate and those who are ready to elevate their relationships to
 a whole new level

What’s Inside


RECORDED FREQUENCY CLEARINGS that will elevate your frequency around love and connection so you can embody the love you want to attract


SHORT EXERCISES to take inspired action and confirm shifts in your external reality


VIDEO LESSONS to help you get to the heart of what’s keeping you from embodying the love you want to attract


Access to The Quantum Life Community be surrounded by likeminded Quantum Shifters

If you are a successful, smart and independent person who has achieved great heights in your business or career 

Your life is thriving, you are happy and enjoying life. 
But there is one area where you still СAN’T CRACK THE CODE OF…

Love and relationships

This program is for you

This program is for you if you are ready to:

Break Free From Old Relationships Patterns

No more ‘new guy – same scenario’ – you CAN rewrite the narrative you keep repeating in relationships

Ditch The Mindless Dating

Forget hours on dating apps and shallow dates. Let the Universe become your own Matchmaker!

Start a family

Or a long term partnership with a person who WANTS to commit to you

Create a High Level Partnership

Build authentic and intimate relationships that will be a deep union between two souls who really see each other and happy to share this life journey together

Bring Back The Goosebumps in Your Relationships

Reignite the thrill of that honeymoon phase in your relationship and FEEL the deep connection with yourself in the process

Become Irresistibly Magnetic

Fall in love with yourself and feel SO comfortable in your own skin that it will be impossible to take the eyes off of you

Connect with Your Sensuality

Discover your feminine essence by releasing the sexual shame and past traumas stored in your field from your own life and even through your lineage

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Introducing Quantum

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">A new 14-module Love Frequency Clearing Series from Paget Kagy, Frequency Healer

And get access immediately! 

But it’s not ONLY about the relationship.
It’s not ONLY about finding someone whom you can settle down with.
It’s about…

Reigniting that spark from deep within your soul…

bathing in the frequency of your own love, so that the Universe reflects it back to you.
When you embody this frequency – it radiates into ALL areas of your life.

In 14 days you’ll go through all 14 modules and release the main Energy Blocks that stop you from true authentic love so you can become a magnet not ONLY to the relationships of your dreams

But to happiness, fulfilment, success and opportunities

After 14 days you can repeat the program focusing on each module  for a week – it’ll 10X your results


Frequency Clearings work at your core energy level to remove the root of the energy blocks. While most meditations, hypnotherapy, etc., work on your conscious and subconscious levels which is why they don’t always create permanent change

This is NOT another Love Coaching Program
This is a Complete LOVE  ENERGY BLUEPRINT that will transform you at your core 
And help you to create the most authentic and intimate relationships you’ve ever dreamed of 

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Let me debunk some of the lies you told yourself<span data-metadata="">

Yes, there ARE great
 men out there

You just don’t see them (and they don’t see you) because your frequency isn’t a match to receive them yet

Yes, you can find YOUR soulmate

Even after a heartbreak. Even if your parents didn’t show you a great example. Even if you think it’s too late

Yes, you can be with a person who wants the same things as you do

And also who is as smart, attractive, funny and mature as you

No, you don’t need your partner to change

Change yourself first – and you’ll see the changes reflect in your relationships naturally (they become YOUR mirror)

Yes, you can reignite that spark in your relationships

Even after years in relationships  – you can keep growing closer and growing together for the rest of your lives

Yes, you CAN balance love and work

I can’t get distracted by love, my career is my priority’. Relationships are not another project on your to-do list, and if it FEELS this way, you don’t understand what true love actually IS. In fact, the right connections will often BOOST your work and business

No, you don’t need to be FULLY ready to meet your person

You don’t need to have everything figured out – they will appear when you will be ready enough for the kind of the relationship you want – so you can both go on this life’s journey together

No, you don’t need to shrink yourself in relationships

You are an ambitious, bright, brilliant soul that wants to live a BIG LIFE. You don’t need to make yourself smaller to fit someone else’s standards. You are meant to be with someone who will make your inner fire shine even brighter!

Your partners are just a reflection of who you are at a deep energetic level

You’ve done ‘THE WORK’–  go to therapy, study Love Languages and Attachment theory, listen to Matthew Hussey, practice “Attract Your Soulmate” Youtube meditations…

But you’re still single OR you can’t create the true authentic connection you crave…

You need to release the energetic blocks that are holding you back from deep, connected, true love

This program WON’T give you tips and tricks on how to speak to dates, or how to attract the right person from the physical

We’re going deeper, to the root cause of what’s ACTUALLY happening

Fall in love with yourself – and watch the Universe falling for you in return

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Current students are raving about Quantum Love<span data-metadata="">

‘Why is the program so good?!’

‘I feel deeply in love with myself!!’

‘Starting having amazing dates’ 

‘Met new friends’ 

‘Broke through the wall between me and my husband’ 

‘Met a girlfriend’ 

‘Perfect foundation for any course you have’ 

‘Became my own cheerleader’ 

‘Released anxious attachment’ 

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Hey there, I’m Paget

I’m a 7-figure Quantum Coach and Frequency Healer

And the single-most beautiful part of my journey to attaining success was how that journey has totally transformed my marriage with my husband, Steve.

Let’s first rewind

It took me 87 first dates to even meet Steve

Before him, I kept attracting unavailable men who kept “moving” away, or men who were just not in the place to commit even though I was doing all the “right” things they talk about–don’t text too much, let them have their independence, play “hard to get”

Little did I know at the time that they were just reflecting my own resistance to connection at a deeper level–my own fears of intimacy, my own inability to be “true” to myself and accept myself

And I got slapped in the face HARD…

When I ended up dating someone who was engaged for SIX MONTHS without even realising it!!!

You see, I was going about the dating thing all “wrong”. I thought I needed to be someone else in order to attract the love I CRAVED and longed for.

In fact, I just needed to be more MYSELF by letting go of the lies of low self-worth, fears, insecurities, and past trauma that I was carrying like a heavy backpack to every date.

And that huge slap in the face was the first step to me finally embarking on that journey.

Of course, I didn’t realise at the time what that journey was (hence why it took 87 first dates and a LOOOOT of time).

If I had understood what the Universe was really telling me about the energy I was embodying during those painful 87 dates, I could have avoided the giant slap.

But of course, I had to learn the hard way

The truth was, I needed to come into a deeper level of connection and true LOVE of myself

And as my defences started coming down and I finally began letting go of old energies through that heart-breaking process, is when I finally met my husband, Steve

Here’s the key: I met him because I was finally READY to take that journey with him

Two months before that? I wasn’t ready. A year before that? We would have HATED each other. Two years before? We wouldn’t have even SEEN each other

You see, I believe everyone has their soulmate out there–someone they are meant to evolve with and share life’s most precious moments

The question is…are you energetically ready for it?

And even though I was energetically READY to MEET Steve, the journey wasn’t over

I still wasn’t energetically READY to share deep, supportive and fulfilling love with him

Again, it took us both learning the HARD way (which lasted at least 7 years) for us to finally understand how to evolve together to form the deep connection we both wanted

Because relationships are our best MIRRORS. They show us who we are being

And I was still holding onto a lot of heavy “toxicity” in my field that was only reflecting back to me in Steve 

Our relationship was so toxic at times that I remember driving back to my parents house several times because we couldn’t be in the same apartment together

And it continued like this, until I realised I needed to take accountability for what I was creating in my reality

So I made a vow: I was going to focus on my growth, and he’d either come with me or not

As I focused on releasing more of my energetic garbage like burden, self-sacrifice, fear of intimacy, sexual shame, past trauma…I began to come into a deeper level of connection with myself.

I started attracting higher levels of abundance into my life, aligned friendships, and felt more confident and comfortable in my skin than ever before.

And I couldn’t predict what would happen next…

But at a deeper level, Steve decided to evolve with me

As I released more of my garbage and evolved to higher states of being, he automatically began to elevate with me, and we created a powerful mastermind together.
As I started to find my purpose, Steve got his dream job offer “out of nowhere”.

He then started supporting me in my desires and dreams the way I always wished he would. We were finally on the same page, and it felt AMAZING. And I didn’t DO anything differently–I simply embodied a different energetic relationship with MYSELF at a core level.

Because relationships are ALWAYS our best mirrors.

So what are yours saying about you?

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">To sum up.. you are a perfect fit for the program if you are:<span data-metadata="">

Single and:

  • Want to meet conscious people who share the same values and are ready for relationships
  • Can’t find people that you ‘click’ with
  • Keep attracting unavailable men
  • Getting attached to people too quickly and wanna change it
  • Want to get over your past relationships and start believing in a true love again
  • Have been out of the game for awhile and don’t know how to get back
  • Find you True Love and start a family

In relationship and:

  • Want to bring your relationships to the next level 
  • Create deeper authentic connection with your partner 
  • Want to figure out if you want to stay with your partner or let them go
  • Want to learn how to upgrade and grow TOGETHER with your partner

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Explore the 14 Modules 
of Quantum Love<span data-metadata="">

Module 1 Unlocking Your Quantum Love
Tap into the version of yourself in your deepest and most authentic relationships to magnetise it into your life now

Module 2 Low Self-Worth
Release the lack of worthiness that stops you from embodying that love that you crave for.

Module 3 Fear of Being Alone
Release the block that makes us act needy, attached and out of fear.

Module 4 Past Traumas and Pain
Release the pain of past relationship trauma that leaves energetic scars in us.

Module 5 Abuse
Where we tend to attract abusive types of relationships whether emotional, psychological, physical.

Module 6 Family Dynamics
Stop repeating family dynamics and patterns through our current relationships to ‘fix’ our old wounds.

Module 7 Fear of Rejection
When you fail to open yourself up because you’re afraid of judgement and rejection.

Module 8 Sexual Shame
This spans generational patterns around sexuality, your worth, gender,

Module 9 Burden with Love
Release the need to take on the burden of other people’s ‘stuff’ which leads you to lose yourself in relationships.

Module 10 Boundaries in Love
Don’t take on other peoples stuff as your own and honour your energetic boundaries

Module 11 Self-Acceptance 
Accept yourself wholly so others can too.

Module 12 Authentic Connection 
Embrace vulnerability in your relationships that build the most authentic and deep connection with another person. 

Module 13 Deserving Deep Love 
Feel in your bones, imprint it your energy  – you deserve the love that you are dreaming about. 

Module 14 Become the Love of Your Life
Radiating that love of self out into the world that you hold within.

— Bonus. Group Live Clearing



$3,333 12 Month Access


<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Open yourself up for Love. Open yourself up for Life<span data-metadata="">

faq<span data-metadata="">

The program starts on August 7

The program is a self-paced non-live program. 


Yes! When I record them, I tap into the energy of the future participants. I can see the most common blocks, and tailor my clearings in a certain way.

There’s two paths:
12 Months Access; where you’ll have lots of time to complete the program 12+ rounds with time for other programs, life, and vacation!

And we’ll give you a 2 week reminder, in case you’d like to get an extra round in.

Lifetime Access; you’ll have access to the program for the life of the program.

Once you register for the program, no refunds are offered. Please make sure you are 100% committed!